An Act of Random Kindness

There’s a term that’s repeatedly used in the movie Evan Almighty – “the ARK” – Act of Random Kindness.

The day before I flew out to London to my 2-week long vision trip, Ruth and I went out on a date to a nice cafe in Newmarket for an afternoon High Tea. Parked our car and had $6 of coins readied for the parking ticket machine… wait a second, what was that stuck on the credit card slot? Had to take a closer look… WOW, someone actually left his/her early-bird WHOLE DAY parking ticket behind for the next person to continue using it! How generous! I was overwhelmed by how gracious God is and how He shows His kindness through little things like this. 🙂 We left the ticket for other people to use after we left, gotta share the love!

Free Parking

A nice little gift from someone we have never met.

Finally, an end to an era and a new start??

So many questions…..

How long will it take before I get a hang of how to blog efficiently?
How often will I be able to post new stuff here?
How will I keep our readers interested?

So many questions… but I should at least stop procrastinating and at least try this thing out.

After all, it took me over 5 years to decide that it is indeed a good thing to blog…
Special thanks to my good friends Kenneth, Joseph, Paul for inspiring and encouraging me to start blogging.

Thank You!! Yes, YOU!!